Books on Spiritual Warfare and Demonization 

We highly recommend the following books for an in-debt understanding of the Kingdom of Darkness. If you seek to understand the world of the unseen and the spiritual warfare that goes on every day, these books will guide and prepare you for your next challenge.  It is time to remove the ignorance and be equipped to battle the true enemy of our souls and live victorious lives as believers. Skeptics are invited to watch Fox News reportVideo 1

The Kingdom of the Occult delivers a timely follow-up to Dr. Walter Martin’s best-selling The Kingdom of the Cults.

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Angels & Demons are beings beyond our normal senses. There lies another dimension more real and lasting than anything we can imagine. It is a world populated by both angels and demons, and it is essential that we understand it.

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Pigs in a Parlor by Frank Hammond explains the practical application of the ministry of deliverance, patterned after the ministry of Jesus Christ.

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Andrew Strom traces this mass invasion of false spirits back to 1994 and shows how it culminated in the bizarre events surrounding Todd Bentley and the Lakeland revival in 2008. Explore what are ‘Kundalini’ spirits.

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Occult beliefs march freely across the world today, powerfully influencing our children, our society, our government, and even our churches. The deadly impact of Satan’s dominion is seen in the rise of teen suicide, the increase in violence, and the immorality that pervades our society.

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As an insider, Andrew questions a lot of the ‘angels’, the gold dust, and “revivals” like the one in Lakeland. Read the FACTS to find out why. What is real Revival? And how do we tell the true from the false?

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satans kingdom

In Lucifer Exposed, Derek Prince reveals Satan’s grand schemes for enslaving human beings into bondage, as well as his attempts to seduce Christians from reaching their full spiritual potential.

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As the time approaches for Jesus’ return, the spiritual battle between good and evil is heating up. The evidence is all around: shootings, genocide, civil wars, increased persecution. Our enemy is real, and it seems as if he is winning. The good news is that God is at work in powerful ways–and that Satan is not winning.

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In this highly readable, biblically based book, Derek Prince answers many vital questions. If you are struggling with problems that never seem to go away, has it ever occurred to you that demons may be at work? This is a practical comprehensive handbook on deliverance.

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Have you ever wondered if Satan is real? In his book Out of the Devil’s Caldron: A Journey from Darkness to Light, John Ramirez tells the story of how he was trained to be the third-ranked high priest of a satanic cult in New York City-casting powerful witchcraft spells and controlling entire spiritual regions… Until his deliverance.

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Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal…

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If you are a believer in Yeshua (Jesus) and you are fearful about studying the true enemy (Satan and his fallen ones) of our souls, remember the following verses and be strong in the power of His (Yeshua – Jesus) might. You are and will be an overcomer when you understand your enemy.

(2Tim 1:7 [KJV])
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

(1John 4:4 [KJV])
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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