About Us and our commitment to Educate

We are a team of Bible students that share the word of God on matters of faith. Our main parent website for information on doctrine is called the Truth of the Gospel Ministry.

Demonize.org is dedicated to the education of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) about the Satanic realm and how it functions (eg. Watch Fox News video 1). It is such an important topic and is so misunderstood that we decided to dedicate this entire website to the subject.

Our Statement of Faith

The sixty-six canonical books of the Bible as originally written were inspired by God, hence free from error. They constitute the only infallible guide in faith and practice.

There is one God, the Creator, and Preserver of all things; infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who are of one substance and equal in power and glory.

God created Adam and Eve in his own image. By disobedience, they fell from their sinless state through temptation by Satan. This fall plunged humanity into a state of sin and spiritual death and brought upon the entire race the sentence of eternal death. From this condition we can be saved only by the grace of God, through faith, on the basis of the work of Christ, and by the agency of the Holy Spirit.

The eternally pre-existent Son became incarnate, without a human father, by being born of the Virgin Mary. Thus, in the Lord Jesus Christ, divine and human natures were united in one Person; both natures being whole, perfect, and distinct. To effect salvation, He lived a sinless life and died on the cross as the sinner’s substitute, shedding His blood for the remission of sins. On the third day, He rose from the dead in the body which had been laid in the tomb. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, where He performs the ministry of intercession. He shall come again, personally and visibly, to complete his saving work and to consummate the eternal plan of God.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Triune God. He applies to Man, the work of Christ. By justification and adoption, we are given right standing before God; by regeneration, sanctification, and glorification, our nature is renewed.

When we have turned to God in penitent faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are accountable to God for living a life separated from sin and characterized by the fruit of the Spirit. It is our responsibility to contribute by word and deed to the universal spread of the Gospel.

At the end of the age, the bodies of the dead shall be raised. The righteous shall enter into full possession of eternal bliss in the presence of God, and the wicked shall be condemned to eternal death.

By faith, we believe that God preserved his Word by using the scholars mandated by King James to translate the scriptures (original manuscripts from MT) into English. It is because of this belief that we expressly study and quote from the King James Version of the Bible on this website. To study using other versions of the Bible will only be an invitation to confusion – see our video presentation with Kent Hovind and others on the subject.

About our Team

We are a dedicated team of researchers (seekers -Matthew 7:7-8) and our passion is to share God’s Truth with the world, leaving no stone unturned. The enemy of our souls has done a good job at distorting the message of the Gospel and as a result, many cults have formed over the years. We believe that if people know or have access to the truth, they are better able to make an informed decision as to who or what to follow in Christendom. Deciding on one’s salvation is no laughing matter; your decision will determine where you will spend eternity.

It has been said, “each heart beat brings a man closer to his destiny”; do not let your next heart beat be your last without knowing Christ.

Head Researcher

Peter Clark – pclark@truthgospel.org

When I was young I was a practitioner in the Marshall Arts, I gave it my all. After I believed in Christ I became a practitioner in the
WORD, and true to form I again gave it my all. Since then I have found the greatest battle is not against men to preserve life, but rather, the greatest battle is against evil spirits of deception that would want to rob us of eternal life.

Quotation from the founder of TTGM

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