Dance with the Devil

Dance with the devil, for now, is a play on words for what happens in the real world. The music and Hollywood entertainers are called stars and there is no end to their glamour as they capture the hearts of the youth. We go behind the scenes and expose the world that is hidden, dark and real. There is a price to pay when you dance with the devil. Listen to the following videos and whenever you see those “stars”, ask yourself, what did they have to do to get where they are?

Giving oneself (soul) over to the god of this world for money, glamour, and fame is a price too high to pay. It is like being on death row, and while awaiting your turn, you do your best to enjoy yourself before your end. In this case eternal damnation. 

1. In this video, you have satanic references from the likes of Rihanna, Michael Jackson and most recently, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The Rock is a man so admired by many; he recently uttered the words, “hail satan“. He gave honor to the god of this world while being featured on Saturday Night Live (5:21)

2. How many popular entertainers have given themselves over to the god of this world? – the devil. How many of our young people look up to these disciples of the devil? Fame is so tempting that for most it is difficult to resist. You rise to the top and then you are no more. Lost forever from the Love of God. At point 8:40, listen to actual deliverance (11:57)

4. Sid Roth interviews John Ramirez as he shares openly about serving satan and the experience he had while being possessed. He too “gave his soul to the devil” until Yeshua (Jesus) became his savior. His story is told on “It’s Supernatural” with Sid Roth. Yeshua is the true lover of our souls. (28:30) – YOU MUST REWIND VIDEO
Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez on Amazon

God will set you Free:
if you have been encouraged to give yourself over to the devil for fame, and you have realized that you made the biggest mistake of your life, all is not lost. Yeshua came to set you free. His power to free you forever goes beyond anything you can imagine. Satan, the devil has no power to hold you after Yeshua steps in.

Wherever you are, go someplace quiet and call out to the God of the universe in the name of Yeshua. He will hear you; why? because He sent His precious and only Son into this world to save that which was lost (you). Ask God to save you and believe in all your being that He will take care of you. His love will cover you and keep you safe.

Find a true bible believing man of faith that will pray for you and guide you. Avoid religious churches that serve men. Read and study the King James Bible to learn about your new life in God – Why a King James Version (KJV) of the Bible?

You can go to our contact form and send us a short note. We always respond.

(John 8:36 [KJV])
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

For further study on the paranormal, we recommend reading these Books

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