Who is Lucifer

One thing is for sure, Lucifer (satan) is one name that 99.9% of parents would never consider to call their children. You think this is baloney or are you a skeptic? – Watch Fox News video 1

The origin of the name Lucifer comes from the Latin language, but the root word comes from the Hebrew language (הֵילֵל – heylel).   In scripture, he is described as a fallen angel with great beauty. He is a created angel of God. We are told that he became envious of God and in his heart, he desired to be like God. He rebelled and by using a serpent (by possession) in the garden of Eden, he influenced mankind to rebel against God. And here we are today.

Watch the following Bible-based videos that describe what and who Lucifer is and his mission to deceive mankind to hell. The concept and reality of hell were described by Yeshua (Jesus), a man that could not lie. Lucifer has other names, satan, the serpent, the beast, the deceiver and the father of lies.

Recommended Read:
Lucifer Exposed: The Devil’s Plans to Destroy Your Life by Derick Prince on Amazon

1. This video documentary gives a Biblically based description of satan and hell. The underlying message to everyone is that Lucifer is a deceiver. Beautiful in appearance he can transform himself into an angel of light. However, his heart is dark and evil, a lost soul bent on the destruction of God’s creation, namely man. The video also covers what other faith-based systems believe. The deception is far reaching and satan’s drive is to influence as much as mankind to hell. What does Yeshua say? Watch video 2 (1:29:31)

Recommended Read:
23 Minutes In Hell by Bill Wiese on Amazon

2. There are many people that have clinically died and have seen the other side. We would like you to meet Bill Wiese in this video. He visited hell for 23 minutes and now he tells his story. It is over one hour, but it is important to listen and understand. Why? It is better to get this life right and spend an eternity with God than to get it wrong and spend an eternity in regret – Hell. (1:03:02)

Lucifer and hell are real. Why? Our Lord Yeshua said so. We believe that every man is a liar, but God is true. We pray and trust that you will submit your life to God by accepting Yeshua as your Lord and savior. We have one life to live, let’s start today so that we are prepared for tomorrow (or even tonight). One thing is true, all the people that are in hell, believe that Jesus is the savior of all mankind.

(Luke 10:17-19 [KJV])
17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.
18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

For further study, we recommend reading these Books

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