Video: The reality of the demonic realm as shared by ex-satanist John Ramirez (12:34)

The purpose of this website is to educate you about demonic beings and how they demonize people. These beings are also known as fallen angels or demons. Very little on this subject is taught in the educational circles. This site is here to fill the gap of your understanding.

Book: Out of the Devil’s Cauldron by John Ramirez on Amazon

If you are still a skeptic after watching John Ramirez –  Watch Fox News video 1

You may not know it but Hollywood, the music industry, and the political arena have fallen victim to the influence of these fallen angels. People have become pawns to these angelic beings that are led by their leader Lucifer (satan). His only mission is to destroy man’s relationship with God. We are going to expose his ways on this site. He is evil to the core and his intentions are to lead men away from God. Do not let it happen to you.

We are dedicated to giving the reader knowledge about the unseen world. You are encouraged to understand how these beings affect us in our everyday lives. More importantly, what you can do if you find yourself under attack.

Brief Description of what is meant by demonize or demonization:
To demonize or demonization is to be afflicted or possessed by a supernatural being. These beings are not subject to our physical laws as we understand them; they are sometimes called demons, familiar spirits, poltergeist, ghost, evil spirits, even the boogieman and the list goes on.
The following list reflects some demonic activities on people.

  • Are you being afflicted by evil spirits?
  • Are you being tormented at night by something unseen while in bed?
  • Is a family member acting differently or strange and the doctors are not able to help?
  • Are you a Christian and you think someone is under the influence of demons?
  • Is there someone you know in the occult and you want to help them to get out but do not know how?
  • Are you or someone else you know always in a state of depression and or hearing voices?

We hope none of the above applies to you, but if it does, we will be able to help. Also, you may know of someone that is suffering from demonization; we encourage you to share this website information with them.

The tab at the top will take you to our topics’ page, there you will find a list of subjects that cover demonize activity in our world. It is important to note that we have carefully selected material from bible believers that firmly use a scripture “only” approach to explainng demonic activity.

We encourage every believer to read and watch “Spirits in the Church” – Beware the laying on of hands.

Also, you to Leave your email address to be informed when new topics are updated.

(Eph 6:12 [KJV])
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

For further study, we recommend reading these Books

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