Paranormal Activity

Paranormal or supernatural activities are all around us. Details of Paranormal activities can be found in the scripture (Bible); for example the supernatural destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the possession of men and women in the New Testament that Yeshua (Jesus) delivered.  In today’s world it continues to go on, however, it is not usually covered by the mainstream media. When you study scripture you find that these types of activities defy our physical laws and are caused by fallen angelic beings; sometimes called demons.

For the purpose of this topic, we will focus on the fallen angelic beings; and as scripture shows us, their aim is to control men and eventually wreck their lives forever. The Demons’ mission is to deceive mankind and keep him away from the salvation that is given by the One that came to save that which was lost (mankind); the name of the One is called Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ – Jesus the Messiah). These fallen angels are responsible for the minor day to day temptations, the moving of objects with unseen hands and the most feared one of all, outright possession of a person’s body.

There are a lot of fake videos on the internet on this topic, so we had to be careful with our selection. These videos are meant to educate and not to scare you. Should you be afraid, please know you can call on the name of Yeshua to be your savior; and if you do, the powers of this world (fallen angelic beings – satan) can no longer harm you (watch presentation 4 for more information).

1. In this video, Fox News broke the story to the public in 2014 about a mother and her children being extremely afflicted by demons (paranormal activity) in Indiana USA. The police, medical staff, and social workers all got involved in some way. The story had all the components that you would find in a horror movie, the only difference is, it was real. (9:46)
Watch more of the story

2. In this video, the Grandmother to the mother in the story above shares her account of what happened. The commentator in the video gives more insight into the events that occurred; it is chilling. At point 16:00 to 16:06 in the video, you can actually hear the voice of a demon being recorded on tape saying, “pay”. (18:16)

3. This video has cases of men being possessed. A common mannerism seen with demon possessed people is that they are found naked and not in their right mind. Also, shouting the name of Jesus or referring to biblical references is another common occurrence with the possessed; not to mention hearing strange voices. (11:10)

4. Sid Roth interviews John Ramirez as he shares openly about serving satan and the experience he had while being possessed. Paranormal activity was a normal part of John’s life until Yeshua became his savior. His story is told on “Its Supernatural” with Sid Roth. Yeshua is the only answer for a true and eternal escape from demonic forces. (28:30) – YOU MUST REWIND VIDEO
Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez on Amazon

Be on Guard:
To avoid paranormal activities in your life be careful and avoid the following:

  • Watching occult produced content on television can be a gateway to your home or your life.
  • Occult video/card/board games you play can also be an entry point.
  • The house you move into may have had previous occupants that practiced the black arts.
  • Beware of family and friends that belong to occult organizations (eg. lodges etc).
  • When surfing the internet stay away from occult websites and materials.
  • If you feel depressed all the time or hearing voices, seek out true Bible-believing ministers of God that understand the paranormal and let them pray for you (listen to video presentation 4)
  • For the ultimate guard (protection) against these evil supernatural demonic forces, give your life completely over to Yeshua and it will be forever well with your soul.

(John 8:36 [KJV])
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

For further study on the paranormal, we recommend reading these Books

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