Haunted House

Here we have a well-documented case of a haunted house that was carried on Fox News in 2014 (video 1). Major networks and newspapers focused on this story in amazement. People are told that haunted houses are places where the dead still live and come back to torment the living. This is not the case, as the bible clearly teaches that demons are responsible for supernatural events. The location of this haunted house is Indiana USA. Watch the first presentation and listen to the minister of faith speak about the events as they unfolded.

1. A commentator captures the events in an interview session. The captain of the police force speaks about his experience. You will notice that these demons had unbridled interaction with our physical realm.  (6:01)

2. Pastor Charles Lawson is one preacher that was not afraid to preach about what happened at this haunted house. Many are afraid to even talk about such things because they think it (or they) will come upon them in the dark of the night. Rest assured the called of God, the sons of God, believers in Yeshua need not be afraid.(32:00)
Unmasking the Devil by John Ramirez on Amazon

Guard your Home:
To avoid having a haunted house read the following:

  • Stop watching occult produced content on television can be a gateway to your home or your life.
  • Occult video/card/board games you play can also be an entry point.
  • The house you move into may have had previous occupants that practiced the black arts.
  • Beware of family and friends that belong to occult organizations (eg. lodges etc) that visit your home. Familiar spirits attach themselves to people that practice such.
  • When surfing the internet stay away from occult websites and materials.
  • If you feel depressed all the time or hearing voices, seek out true Bible-believing ministers of God that understand the paranormal and let them pray for you (listen to video presentation 4)
  • For the ultimate guard (protection) against these evil supernatural demonic forces, give your life completely over to Yeshua and it will be forever well with your soul.

(John 8:36 [KJV])
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

For further study on the paranormal, we recommend reading these Books

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