Familiar Spirits in the Church

People often ask if Christians can be possessed by demons or familiar spirits? The question really should be, is a possessed person indeed a Christian? The God of the Bible states in the book of  1 John 4:4, “…Greater is He (God) that is in you (the believer), than he (satan) that is in the world”. This verse tells us if you have God (Holy Spirit) in you, the god (satan) of this world cannot overcome or possess a believer. How can the lesser (satan) take control of the greater (God)?

The following videos will give you insight into what can happen when people come under the influence and control of demonic forces, also known as familiar spirits.

In this video, the Pastor of a congregation is commanding the people (under the influence of familiar spirits) to keep quiet when they start to make what sounds like animal noises. The Pastor then instructs them to go outside and eat. Notice the other members just sitting and looking on. This can lead to one day asking the people to drink the “Kool-aid”. (6:08)

Part 1: “Shocking footage of one of the worst “invasions” of false/familiar spirits that the church has ever seen. Proof that she has been invaded by counterfeit spirits on a worldwide scale. This is Part One of a documentary tracing this massive invasion – and showing the terrible impact it has had.” (27:30)
Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom  on Amazon

Part 2: “When you look at these clips, continually ask the question: Is the real Jesus being made known here?”  (1:10:39)

True & False Revival by Andrew Strom on Amazon

“Dave Hunt and Johanna Michaelsen talk about the Occult Practices in the Self-Help and New Age movement. Beware of any of these practices. Follow the Bible and God. Success is not the most important thing. God is the most important thing”. (1:49:49)
Occult Invasion by Dave Hunt on Amazon

Be on Guard:
Whether you are watching cable TV, sitting in a church service or attending a gospel event (musical), we encourage you to test all the spirits (people) that teach, preach and sing; trust no one. How do you test the spirits? By the word of God. Using the example of the first video, the word of God does not tell or instruct the believer to eat grass, so anyone commanding you to eat grass is not of the God.

Text Manipulation:
Another way that “leaders” try to get a believer to do something that God does not approve or allow is called text manipulation. They say things that sound like they are in the word of God they are not. Again, an example of this can be heard just after 3:00 minutes into the first video, the leader says that Jesus turned fish into his body; this is not in the scripture. This is why it is important to read and commit what God says in his word to your memory. No matter how good a minister sounds in “selling his gospel,” you will know better and can discern because you have studied. Truth is truth, so know what the word of God says for yourself. Listen to presentations on Truth of the Gospel Ministry on why we recommend using the King James Version.

The reasons behind why “leaders” do what they do, is mainly about gaining control and money. God’s method is free will and He expects that we follow Him out of a heart of love; while satan’s method is about controlling a person’s will with an aim to destroy. Satan hates mankind and he cares nothing about our free will.

Trust No One:
Trust only the word of God and be a student of the scriptures. Your eternal salvation is too important to put it in the hands of a man in a pulpit or by way of cable TV. He too has to work out his own salvation. Eternity is too long a time to spend in regret. If the leaders in your assembly accept the word of God as their final authority, then you are in good company.

We hope this information has been encouraging and helpful. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We wish you God’s blessings.

(Matt 7:21-24 [KJV])
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

For further study, we recommend reading these Books

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